Let’s talk mental health!
Prioritizing our mental health This place needs some revival to be honest! No, that was a bad intro, let me take that again....Hey guys, I’ve been away for a while ,I’ve been caught up lately, not really caught up I’ve just been trying to survive amidst all the chaos around the world and in our society most especially. It’s been so surreal and these things can take a very big toll on our mental health. I hope all of you are taking good care of yourselves and that you’re talking to people about things going on because it helps. Okay enough of that long intro, although it somehow leads us into our little discussion today. Emotional and mental well being. With everything going on in our homes and societies these days, and even things we see on social media added to our personal struggles can be really overwhelming but we overlook these things and we tend to focus more on our physical well being. I mean, it’s very important to take care of your physical state but that can’t be a...